Sites Covering Key Bay State Races
--- Deval Patrick Watch is doing a great job covering the latest on this kooky Democrat's floundering Bay State campaign.
--- Also check out New England Republican, which is all over Ted Kennedy, turnpike tax hikes as well as the crucial gubernatorial race.
--- Viking Pundit is based in Western Mass and is another fantastic site covering these issues.
--- And HubPolitics continues its exceptional and thorough documentation of Deval's sneaky tricks. Today: Teddy gets into the act.
--- Fly At Night is looking at a number of races across the country, including this one.
--- From the left, Media Nation has covered the Patrick - Healey race from a number of angles, with debate and news coverage analysis.
Technorati tags: deval patrick hub politics viking pundit new england republican deval patrick watch ma mass bay state kerry healey

--- Also check out New England Republican, which is all over Ted Kennedy, turnpike tax hikes as well as the crucial gubernatorial race.
--- Viking Pundit is based in Western Mass and is another fantastic site covering these issues.
--- And HubPolitics continues its exceptional and thorough documentation of Deval's sneaky tricks. Today: Teddy gets into the act.
--- Fly At Night is looking at a number of races across the country, including this one.
--- From the left, Media Nation has covered the Patrick - Healey race from a number of angles, with debate and news coverage analysis.
Technorati tags: deval patrick hub politics viking pundit new england republican deval patrick watch ma mass bay state kerry healey
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