Mihos Siblings Back Rival
Christy's Brother, Sister Back Rival Healey
When even your own family has had enough, isn't it time to back off?
After revelations in the Boston media today that independent gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos's brother and sister are now on record as supporters of Republican Lt Gov Kerry Healey, however, it seems unlikely that Mihos will tone down his outrageous bullying anytime soon.
Granted, the Mihos family rift goes back years, but there is evidence that at least some of the conflict does relate to issues with his campaign claims.
With another major debate between the candidates set for tonight, all eyes will be not only on Healey, where a better performance is a must, but also on Mihos, who could very easily lock himself out of future forums if he continues the angry antics that generated outrage during the last televised event.
So far, he seems determined to throw the election to Democrat Deval Patrick.
From Dave Wedge in today's Boston Herald:
The Herald also printed the letter from James Mihos:
Technorati tags: christy mihos kerry healey mass ma massachusetts gubernatorial race deval patrick boston herald dave wedge
Christy's Brother, Sister Back Rival Healey
When even your own family has had enough, isn't it time to back off?

Granted, the Mihos family rift goes back years, but there is evidence that at least some of the conflict does relate to issues with his campaign claims.
With another major debate between the candidates set for tonight, all eyes will be not only on Healey, where a better performance is a must, but also on Mihos, who could very easily lock himself out of future forums if he continues the angry antics that generated outrage during the last televised event.
So far, he seems determined to throw the election to Democrat Deval Patrick.
From Dave Wedge in today's Boston Herald:
Gall in the family: Mihos kin back Healey, smack ChristyIn a vicious political backstabbing, Christy Mihos’ own brother and sister have thrown their financial support behind Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, with one sibling saying the convenience store magnate has “embarrassed” the family with “despicable” attacks on his GOP rival.
James Mihos, who once ran the Christy’s Market chain with his politician brother, and his wife, Linda, have each given the maximum $500 donation to the Healey campaign. Mihos’ sister, Marlene Mihos-Bucuvalas, made a $100 donation to Healey this weekend. None have donated to Mihos.
As if the turncoat political contributions weren’t enough, James Mihos fired off a biting e-mail to Healey supporters, saying he and his wife were “pleased to have recently contributed to the Lt. Governor’s campaign.”
“We do so because we believe that Kerry Healey is the most qualified candidate amongst the four contenders but also in part because we are embarrassed by the way my brother Christy has treated the Lt. Governor during the campaign,” the e-mail states.
James Mihos also chastised his brother for showing “disrespect” to Healey and described his conduct in the race as “abhorrent.”
“We sincerely hope that in a small way our donation will mitigate Christy’s despicable behavior,” concludes the e-mail.
A spokeswoman for Christy Mihos declined comment and Mihos did not return calls. James Mihos and Marlene Mihos-Bucuvalas did not return calls. The Healey campaign also refused comment.
News of the family political split comes as Mihos - already under fire for relentless attacks on Healey - faces off in a debate tonight against the lieutenant governor, Democrat Deval Patrick and Green-Rainbow candidate Grace Ross. In last week’s first debate, sponsored by the Herald and Fox25, Mihos went for Healey’s jugular, blasting her as ineffective and out of touch.
The flap is just the latest sign of turmoil between Mihos and his siblings. In March, his sister accused him of lying in his political bio about paying his own way through college - an accusation Mihos later acknowledged was true. The two have not spoken in years.
The Herald also printed the letter from James Mihos:
Transcript of James Mihos letter to Healey
From: Jim Mihos
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 11:46 AM
Subject: Donation
Good Morning,
My wife and I are pleased to have recently contributed to the Lt Governors campaign. We do so because we believe that Kerry Healey is the most qualified candidate amongst the four contenders but also in part because we are embarrassed by the way my brother Christy has treated the Lt Governor during the campaign.
While he may disagree with some of her positions his disrespect for the office of the Lt Governor and Kerry Healey as an individual is abhorrent to us. We sincerely hope that in a small way our donation will mitigate Christys despicable behavior.
Jim Mihos
Technorati tags: christy mihos kerry healey mass ma massachusetts gubernatorial race deval patrick boston herald dave wedge
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