Deval Patrick's (Lack Of) Voting Record
Deval Patrick Missed Crucial Votes
Memo to Deval Patrick: your Massachusetts honeymoon is officially over.
Buoyed by post- primary polls showing him leagues ahead of Republican Lt Gov Kerry Healey, the Democrat gubernatorial candidate probably expected to coast to victory.
But not so fast, as the Boston Herald reports in today's editions. It seems our friend failed to vote in a number of crucial elections, including the one that re- elected his boss, Bill Clinton!
From the Herald:
If you intend to run for governor, be sure to vote! How basic is that?
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Image: Boston Herald library
Deval Patrick Missed Crucial Votes

Buoyed by post- primary polls showing him leagues ahead of Republican Lt Gov Kerry Healey, the Democrat gubernatorial candidate probably expected to coast to victory.
But not so fast, as the Boston Herald reports in today's editions. It seems our friend failed to vote in a number of crucial elections, including the one that re- elected his boss, Bill Clinton!
From the Herald:
Deval Patrick has rallied apathetic voters to “check back in,” but his own voting record shows he has personally checked out on several occasions - including failing to cast ballots in two presidential elections and a key U.S. Senate race.
A Herald review of Patrick’s voting record on file in his hometown of Milton shows he has skipped voting in at least seven local and state elections over the past 10 years, including the 1996 and 2000 presidential campaigns. The 1996 missed vote is especially significant, because it shows Patrick apparently did not cast a vote for President Bill Clinton, who hired Patrick to work as a top Justice Department attorney in 1994.
The Democratic gubernatorial hopeful also didn’t vote in a crucial 2001 special state election to replace the late U.S. Rep. Joseph Moakley (D-South Boston), records show. U.S. Rep. Stephen F. Lynch won that congressional race over state Sen. Brian Joyce, who is a devout Patrick supporter. Patrick donated $2,000 to Joyce’s campaign in 2001, even though he never made it to the polls for his pal. Joyce has donated $1,000 to Patrick’s bid for governor.
If you intend to run for governor, be sure to vote! How basic is that?
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Technorati tags: deval patrick kerry healey radio equalizer boston herald massachusetts boston Technorati Profile
Image: Boston Herald library
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